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Karins Lasagna - Single Serve

Product review summary

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Vatten, DURUMVETE- och VETEMJÖL, MJÖLK, nötkött*(13%), tomat, lök, GRÄDDE, OST, morot, modifierad majs- och VETESTÄRKELSE, tomatpuré, salt, socker, SMÖR, ÄGG, vitvinsvinäger, kryddor (bl a paprikapulver). *Ursprung: EU.
-24°C °C
-18°C °C
Cooking in microwave oven at 750 W: Remove plate from the outer packaging. Poke a few holes in the plastic film covering the product. Heat in microwave 750 W for about 7-8 minutes. Leave for a few minutes to allow for temperature equalisation. Remove the plastic film and serve. Cooking in a domestic oven at 175°C: Preheat the oven to 175°C. Remove plate from the outer packaging. Remove plastic film. Place the plate in the lower part of the oven. Heat for about 45 minutes. Serve. The time may vary slightly depending on the power/capacity of the oven.
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